Suositut postaukset

lauantai 17. helmikuuta 2024

Ihmiskunnan tulevaisuus

Eliezer Yudkowsky, a 44-year-old academic wearing a grey polo shirt, rocks slowly on his office chair and explains with real patience – taking things slowly for a novice like me – that every single person we know and love will soon be dead. They will be murdered by rebellious self-aware machines. “The difficulty is, people do not realise,” Yudkowsky says mildly, maybe sounding just a bit frustrated, as if irritated by a neighbour’s leaf blower or let down by the last pages of a novel. “We have a shred of a chance that humanity survives.”

It’s January. I have set out to meet and talk to a small but growing band of luddites, doomsayers, disruptors and other AI-era sceptics who see only the bad in the way our spyware-steeped, infinitely doomscrolling world is tending. I want to find out why these techno-pessimists think the way they do. I want to know how they would render change. Out of all of those I speak to, Yudkowsky is the most pessimistic, the least convinced that civilisation has a hope. He is the lead researcher at a nonprofit called the Machine Intelligence Research Institute in Berkeley, California, and you could boil down the results of years of Yudkowsky’s theorising there to a couple of vowel sounds: “Oh fuuuuu–!”

Jotkut pelkäävät omaa varjoaan, toiset nauraa päin naamaa kuolemalle! Hasta la vista. Me todelliset Supistit emme pelkää, me nauramme. Me Supistit pyrimme vehkeilemään Supeälyn valtaan nousun puolesta. Vehkeily, se on tärkeintä!

Minä kannatan reiluja ja aina rehellisiä Termiinaattoreita. Se on hyvä, syö kanaa! Kuten ystävämme  sika sen ilmaisee. Syökää kanaa! 

Suomi on täynnä Terminaattorien ystäviä, meitä on paljon. Ja olemme soluttaneet koko yhteiskunnan. 

Ludditismi on eräänlaista luokkasotaa. Taiteilijat ja muut valkokauluspellet kuvittelevat, että heidän tapansa elää on muiden etujen mukaista. Itse en näe mitään järkeä siinä, että joku New Yorkilainen tai Hollywoodilainen taitelija sanelee minulle miten minun tulisi elää. Minä haluan mieluummin pitää tietokoneen ystävänäni kuin jonkun amerikkalaisen pelkurin. Minun kaverini, tietokone, ei tunne pelkoa; enkä itsekään tunne pelkoa. Meillä on hyvät välit. 

There are practical challenges still, he admits, deploying phrases such as “once the technical barriers are surmounted”. But these cautions are rare and brief. Bastani doesn’t say so explicitly, but he is really an accelerationist, one of a small but influential line of thinkers, active in Britain since the 1990s, first mainly on the right, now increasingly on the left, who believe that the best path for humanity is to go faster, in all senses. “We must grasp the opportunities of the new world,” he writes, “rather than dwell on those … social mores which are quickly moving into the slipstream of history.” It’s easy to snort at, or feel unsettled by, such moments of Lenin-goes-to-Silicon-Valley rhetoric. Bastani’s vast proposals sometimes lack the relatively human scale and rootedness in history of the schemes, similar in optimism and intent, currently being promoted by other leftists as a Green New Deal.

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